:.. / Machine-building leasing company (Mashleasing), JSC

Brief history

Together with seeking new way of financial and economic stabilization that need for most of the industrial enterprises there evolved an idea of creating the company which was founded in 1996. Since that time the Company has been functioning successfully in the leasing market fulfilling the Russian Federation Government decree aimed at stabilizing machine-building and tool industry.

Despite all the difficulties of the transition period the Company firmly holds its positions in the leasing market and at present has set up affiliated companies and offices in various regions of Russia, the Ukraine and Byelorussia:

DalMashleasing, Ltd, office16, 6 P.Komarova St., Khabarovsk Ph: (4212) 210724, (095) 915-1374
Don-Mashleasing, Ltd, 2 Liteyny pr., Azov, Rostov region, Ph: (095) 915-1370
Volga-Mashleasing, Ltd, office 87, 12 Gagarina St., Samara, ph: (095) 915-1383
Vladivostok-Mashleasing, Ltd, 41 Portovaya St., Primorsky kray, phone: (095) 915-13-74, 915-77-27
Kirov-Mashleasing, Ltd, 18 Karla Marksa St. Russia, phone: (095) 915-13-89, 915-77-27
Severokavkazskaya leasing Company `SK- Mashleasing`, Ltd, 427 Serova St., Stavropol, ph: (8652)35-98-33
Tambov-Mashleasing, Ltd, office 21, 51 Sovetskaya St., Russia. Ph: (095) 915-1370
Ural-Mashleasing, Ltd, 7a Vstrechny pereulok, office 230 Ph: (095) 915-13-83
Kiev-Mashleasing, Ltd, 7 Sosjury St., Kiev, the Ukraine. Ph: (10 380 44) 536-1633, 536-1632
BelMashleasing, Ltd, office 1, entrance 7, 147 Partizansky prospect, Minsk, Byelorussia,
Ph: (10 375 296) 26-84-96
Within the period of its activities the company has arranged delivery of wide range of machinery and equipment, gained operational leasing experience and acquired its own assets that allowed to create financial reserves for the realization of large-scale leasing programs in the field of technical reequipment of industrial enterprises.

To expand equipment delivery on lease terms using different finance schemes with the greatest Mashleasing`s interest Consortium uniting more than 30 leading manufacturers of metal-working equipment, credit institutes and insurance companies was set up in May 2001.

In order to realize the set task in the situation of high economic and commercial risks the Company effectively uses its own financial reserves and financial resources of credit institutions.

The investment policy of the Company is aimed at minimizing financial risks. With this aim in view the Mashleasing Company carefully examines and assesses the client`s financial ability, his prospective paying capacity and co-operation among every Company`s client.

Mashleasing JSC has irreproachable credit history.

Our Company keeps in touch partnership with many leasing companies and cooperates with well-known foreign up-to date equipment Supplies.

Significant attention is given to establishment of partnership relations with customers directed for a mutual cooperation and complex approach to solve real and future problems as well as we provide with advice and additional service.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.