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"Zhukovsky is one of the unique scientific cities "

Zhukovsky is one of the unique scientific cities - it is a scientific center ofavia-space

industry inRussia-

For the man who knows even a little about history of science and technology in our country, it is inseparately linked with the name of man in honour of whom the city was called - with the name ofNE, Zhukovsky. Exactly he was the leader in building in 1918 Centra!

Aerodinamical Institution (CAGI) in Moscow. This building became the result of his long and productively engineering-scientific work on elaboration of bases hydroaerodinamics, bases of aerostatics and on many other questions theoretical mechanics. Teaching actions were an

integral part of his scientific activities. In memory of his ntribution in preparing war pilots and other specialists in the field of aerostatics air force engineering academy since 1922 took his name.

The city not only took the surname ofN.E. Zhukovsky, fellow compainer of Russian science and technology. So Zhukovsky became not only the place, where CAG! is situated, it became the center of aviation science and technology in the world level.

The face of the city and its place threw other cities has already formed and it can be hardly mixed with some other city in the country, in common limits the image of the city is

linked with aviation. First of all Zhukovsky is the center of aviation science and technology -

Zhukovsky is a singular airport pack, in that sense, that in the city and its neighbourhood some airports functions, and this region has its special meaning in the system

of Moscow pack. In the immediate contact with the city is the airport "Bykovo", serving by aviatransporations the Europe part of Russia, Here must also be mentioned the airport "Miachkovo", which, though is situated on the considerable distance from Zhukovsky, form with it one complex airport pack- Miachkovo - is the airport, basing on ricultural,

aerosurveying and geological prospecting aviation which range of action covers the whole country.

And in the town Itself there is the largest in Europe airdrome LII (Flying Proving Institution). It is famous as airport "Ramenskoe" First it was made for proving flyings, now it is the airport of many functions. Zhukovsky more often mentioned as a singular base for

keeping quickly reaction on extraordinary situations.

When aviaholidays and aviashows began to be held, the city gradually fumed into the center of aviasaloons of international class. Thanks for aviasaloons heid in 1993, 1995, 1997 and 1999, Zhukovsky became the omy place in Russia, where such complex measures are held. Image of the city as the place of holding International Air-space Saloon (MAKS)

demands of its additional strengthening, to be in harmony with world standards in the field of held. Image of the city as the place of helding International Air-space Saloon (MAKS) demands of its additional strengthening, to be in harmony with world standards in the field of

aviation. The face ofZhukovsky linked with aviation is known not only in Russia, but it is famous abroad too, particularly thanks to the aviasaioons- rsow MAKS is an international show, which is held every 2 years. First it was held in 1993 The idea was set up in 1991, but at that time aerodrome "Ramenskoe" was not ready for demonstration flights specifically its ornithological security was not achieved. It was shown in that near the take off and landing runway there was a dust-heap of everyday waste. From the other side from take off and landing runway the birds settled down in their nests-

The preparations for aeroshow on the aerodrome "Ramenskoe" were began from organizing normal ornithological atmosphere in the aerodrome and in the city itself. For it it was necessary first of all to liquidate the dust-heap of everyday waste near the airport to bring the number of birds in the region to the ration limits. For that we needed the help of ornithologists, we needed to organize measures, directed on creating unfavorable conditions for the birds. These were the elementary demands to ensure security of flights.

So- when these problems were removed, the first aeroshow was held. Now we'd like to tell about the most impressive aeroshows in our town-


III MAKS was carried out in 1997 . Per the first 4 days of work 207 exponential flights of flying meanses were carried out About 3000 representatives from many countries of the world have taken part in work of interior and have lead negotiation.

The largest exposure of military planes was presented by the Military -industrial company "MAPO" - more than 20 fighters and ghters-bombers. Now our country has completely new park. of machines, satisfies interior needs for a military and civil engineering and successfully competes to other countries in the world market.


August 17 has opened IV MAKS, it passed on the basis of Flying proving institute (LII) of a name M, H Gromov. Here are created modem expocentre, demonstration center and shale by square about 30 000 square meters To the next exhibition 2 new pavilions by square

2200 square meters everyone were constructed, the access roads were improved, the international connection and information security is advanced.

MAKS - one of conducting interiors of the world- Firms from 20 countries have given

the requests for the participation in it. Most considerably on MAKS-99 the Russian airspace.

The 4-th International Air-space Saloon has become record on an amount of representatives is example of an airspace engineering. The visitors have seen more 150 Russian and foreign planes and helicopters, great many of modem air and rocket drives, including NK-93, AL-31FP and D-436, and also various arms Among them there were newest developments of our engineering - plane-amphibian Be-200, planes Tu-334, IL-U4-110, battle planes Su-27 KUB, Su-37, MiG-29L'TB, helicopters Ka-60, Ka-52, Ka-31, Mi-28NE and Mi-34.

The extensive flying program was carried out: unique pilotage by the plane Su-30MKi with changed direction of draft of a drive, the plane Su-32FM has established 3 global records, the best pilot groups of Russia demonstrated their skill: group LD, "Martins", " Russian

Knights" and "Russia", and also known Russian pilots. Within the framework of the 4-th International airspace saloon there passed a scientific conference- More than 400 scientists and experts from the various countries took part in it. This year new MAKS will be held - MAKS 2001. We hope that new achievements of Russian technology will be represented and our pilots wilt show their skill. We think that it

will be the most attractive view in the world.

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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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